Daily Sources of Happiness – How to Enjoy the Present

How often do you recognize the small things in life that bring you joy?

Maybe you find happiness in that tiny plant you bought a few weeks ago which suddenly seem to have grown inches, maybe it’s the smell of your freshly brewed coffee or that joke your co-worker recently told, which put a smile on your face in the midst of a boring work-task.

It is easier to get caught up in the stress of the fast-paced lives we are living, having an all-knowing computer in our pockets with access to endless information and being just one button away from contacting all of your friends and family.

It can be difficult to recognize the tiny, happy moments in life when being focused on “the big picture”, always trying to do better, work faster, being more productive or exploring yourself and the world.

It can lead us to be more stressed, unhappy and make us feel that nothing is ever good enough. (Perfectionists – unite!)

I know it may sound silly to some, but learning to appreciate the smaller joys in life will have a bigger effect on your mind and well-being than you might have thought.

I make a point to practice these enjoyments every day. I look for things to appreciate and I sometimes have to stop myself to just be in that moment. Kind of like mindfulness.

When I am in the countryside (where it is much easier to see the stars at night) I can stand and stare in awe and wonder – becoming almost overwhelmed by the fact that these small specks of light are gigantic above my understanding, further away than imaginable and bringing glitter to my dark sky.

It is an amazing feeling.

I know not everyone can be amazed by the same things – since we are all different and such – so I have compiled a list of 27 different things all of you might enjoy in your daily life.

The warmth of the sunshine hitting your face in a cold morning

Having your favorite cup of tea

Taking a walk among greenery

Getting a nice compliment from someone

A stranger smiling at you (not in a creepy way – come on, guys!)

Being right at the beginning of reading a good book

Finish reading a good book

Hugging someone you care about

Petting a fluffy pet – just make sure you have permission if it’s not yours!

Getting to fall asleep after a long day

Listening to the rain on a Sunday evening (or any day, if you prefer)

Drinking cold, fresh water on a hot day

Coming home and kicking off your shoes (or taking off your bra!)

Listening to your favorite music

The clean feeling after a refreshing shower

Taking a nap

Getting to eat a good meal when you are hungry

Smelling good-smelling flowers

Looking at old pictures from happy times


Taking a deep breath, outside in the fresh air

Looking at the moon (seriously, if you don’t enjoy this then I don’t know what to do)

Getting encouragement from someone who cares about you after a tough day

Snuggling up under a blanket

Enjoying that piece of chocolate you have been waiting for

Learning a new word (preferably one that no-one knows so you can confuse people)

Being able to make someone happy by using your own words – it’s both free of charge and super easy to do!

I hope you found some sources of happiness-related inspiration here. Do you have anything you would like to add to the list? These are just a few of my favorite ones.

Please share in the comments, I would love to know what you think!

Cover photo by Jessy Garcia of Charlotte Lundqvist

    1. Oh yes, the moon! I always lose track of time when enjoying moments like watching the night sky. Thank you for your comment Anitha! ❤

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