Ted Talks to Watch

There are so many interesting and thought-provoking Ted Talks to be heard and seen, with so much inspiration to bring. But where to start? It can seem like a jungle when we have so many options.
Here are some (in my opinion) of the best Ted Talks out there!

For those of us who (sometimes…) happen to procrastinate, this one really hits home!

Oh how I love Brene Brown! If you haven’t come across her before, I highly recommend watching everything you can find with her and read her books. I especially love Daring Greatly.

We can never have enough happiness, right? Watch this to find out what truly makes us feel happy.

The power of body language. It matters more than most would think.

A both funny and serious talk about creativity and how our education system can kill creativity.

How important it is to stand up for what’s right and stop worrying about being the only one doing so.

How different ways of speaking will make people listen or leave.

Stop stopping yourself. Do what your urge tells you to do immediately.

Do you have a favorite Ted Talk? Please share in the comments!

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